
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Antioxidant properties of Pisonia alba plant leaf extract

Tamizhazhagan, V., Pugazhendy, K., Sakthidasan, V. and Jayanthi, C.

Year : 2017 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 311-314


Received on: 11/08/2017

Revised on: 11/18/2017

Accepted on: 11/20/2017

Published on: 11/25/2017

  • Tamizhazhagan, V., Pugazhendy, K., Sakthidasan, V. and Jayanthi, C.( 2017).

    Antioxidant properties of Pisonia alba plant leaf extract

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 2( 6), 311-314.

  • click to view the cite format


The methonolic extract of the leaves of Pisonia alba (PA) were subjected to phytochemical analysis by standard qualitative analysis and the invitro antioxidant activity was evaluated by determination of total antioxidant capacity, 1.1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, Antioxidant activity, Nitric oxide potential. The analyses revealed that the methanol extract of Co was able to efficiently scavenge the free radicals in a dose dependant manner. The results were compared with the standard antioxidant ascorbic acid. Thus, further research may be warranted to study active compounds of P. alba that confer the antioxidant activity. The findings presented here might have implications in the population disease prevention field.


Pisonia alba, DPPH, Total antioxidant, Nitric oxide scavenge, Methanol.