
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Review Article

Arboform – a liquid wood technology: future of bioplastics: a review

Kaviya P, Divya M P,Baranidharan K, Ravi R, Hemalatha P, and Krishnamoorthi S

Year : 2024 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 26-33


Received on: 01/04/2024

Revised on: 23/05/2024

Accepted on: 25/06/2024

Published on: 01/07/2024

  • Kaviya P, Divya M P,Baranidharan K, Ravi R, Hemalatha P, and Krishnamoorthi S( 2024).

    Arboform – a liquid wood technology: future of bioplastics: a review

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 9( 4), 26-33.

  • click to view the cite format


Arboform, also known as "liquid wood," represents an innovative and sustainable approach in material science. It is an overview of Arboform technology, its manufacturing process, properties, applications, and environmental implications. Arboform is derived from lignin, a natural polymer abundant in wood, and is produced through a patented liquefaction process that transforms lignin into a moldable thermoplastic material. Unlike plastics, it offers several advantages, including biodegradability, low carbon footprint, and renewable sourcing. Its unique composition endows Arboform with desirable mechanical properties, such as high tensile strength, low thermal expansion, and excellent dimensional stability. Its versatility lends to a wide range of applications and its biocompatibility and non-toxic nature make it suitable for use in food packaging and medical devices, addressing growing concerns over plastic pollution and human health impacts. Despite its promising attributes, challenges remain in scaling up production, optimizing material properties, and ensuring cost competitiveness with conventional plastics. Nevertheless, Arboform represents a promising avenue for transitioning towards a more sustainable and circular economy, offering a renewable alternative to petroleum-based plastics and contributing to the mitigation of environmental degradation associated with conventional plastic production and disposal. It encompasses the potential of Arboform technology in advancing sustainable development goals and fostering innovation in material science towards a more resilient and eco-friendly future.


Arboform, Liquid Wood, Thermoplastic, Tecnaro, Injection molding.