International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Zooplankton community of freshwater ponds in Purulia at West Bengal
Chitra J, Abantika Majumder, Prabakaran, K and R. Arthur James
Year : 2025 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 29-38
Received on: 09/12/2024
Revised on: 21/12/2024
Accepted on: 17/01/2025
Published on: 31/01/2025
Chitra J, Abantika Majumder, Prabakaran, K and R. Arthur James( 2025).
Zooplankton community of freshwater ponds in Purulia at West Bengal
. International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 10( 1), 29-38.
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Studies were conducted in the zooplankton and water quality from the freshwater ponds of importance on fish culturing at Purulia. Among various groups of zooplanktonic organisms viz., rotifera, copepoda and cladocera were recorded from the study area. The present investigation was conducted in 12 fishery ponds commonly called as bandhs. Water samples were collected and the following physico-chemical parameters viz., pH, Temperature, Dissolved oxygen, Alkalinity, Electrical conductivity, Hardness, Total dissolved solids, dissolved carbondioxide, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate- total and silicate were analysed. Zooplankton samples were collected to investigate on their diversity and abundance. The results revealed about 14 species of rotifera belongs to 4 families, 2 classes; 12 species of cladocera belongs to 4 families and 3 species of copepod belongs to 1 family, 1 order respectively. 3 species of rotifera namely B. rubens, B. calyciflorus, B. ahlstromi and 1 species Moina micrura of cladocera along with nauplii and copepodites stages belonging to cyclopoid copepods. This preliminary finding would act as baseline information for future research in Purulia.
Zooplankton, Rotifera, Copepoda, Cladocera, Water quality.