
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Effect of subacute heat stress on Neurobehaviour and brain histology in Wistar rats

Shailja Pandey, Amita Dubey, Yamini Verma and Madhu Swamy

Year : 2025 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 50-55


Received on: 19/12/2024

Revised on: 27/12/2024

Accepted on: 23/01/2025

Published on: 31/01/2025

  • Shailja Pandey, Amita Dubey, Yamini Verma and Madhu Swamy( 2025).

    Effect of subacute heat stress on Neurobehaviour and brain histology in Wistar rats

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 10( 1), 50-55.

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The study aimed to determine the effect of subacute heat stress on neurobehaviour and brain histology in wistar rats. A total 40 rats (20 male and 20 female) were divided into 2 groups (N=10 rats/sex/group). Group I, (Control group) maintained at comfortable: 22±3?C temperature, Group II (Heat stressed group) rats were subjected to heat stress @ 42 ±1°C for 2 hrs daily for the period of 30 days. The neurobehavioral observation was done on day 30 by open field test. At the end of the experiment, rats were humanely sacrificed and the brain was collected for histopathology. Group II male rats revealed higher anxiety level as significant increase (P<0.05) in no. of defecation and urination was noted. A significant decrease in no. of rearing, boxes crossed, central arena crossed and a significant increase in latency was observed compared to control rats pointing towards decreased activity. In females (Group II), no significant difference was noted in any of the parameters across the groups compared to control. Histopathological observation revealed congestion, vacuolation, neuronal degeneration. Heat stress has negatively impacted the locomotor function and caused increased anxiety in male rats.


Brain, Heat stress, Histopathology, Neurobehavioural observation.