
International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences Research Article

Mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticle by Beauveria bassisana

Bhupendra Kumar Kosre, Harshita Shukla, Shyamji Shukla and Sardul Singh Sandhu

Year : 2024 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 24-34


Received on: 05/03/2024

Revised on: 17/03/2024

Accepted on: 20/04/2024

Published on: 01/05/2024

  • Bhupendra Kumar Kosre, Harshita Shukla, Shyamji Shukla and Sardul Singh Sandhu( 2024).

    Mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticle by Beauveria bassisana

    . International Journal of Zoology and Applied Biosciences, 9( 3), 24-34.

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In present study Entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana was used as biological agent of synthesizing silver nanoparticles that have tested for its antibacterial activity against different pathogenic bacterial strains .It showed maximum activity against Escherichia coli (6mm) followed by Bacillus subtillis (TCBS) (5mm),Salmonella typhimurium (XLD) (4mm) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (YC)(4mm) moderate activity. Characterization was done various techniques viz, UV-VIS spectroscopy, zeta potential and dynamic light scattering and relative values are obtained as follows 420 nm Surface absorbance peak ,-19.2 mV zeta potential value its assured the stability of nanoparticles and average size distribution calculated by DLS of 160 nm and SEM micrograph shows 25-35 nm sized irregular shapes nanoparticles.


Nanoparticles, Entomopathogenic fungi, Antibacterial activity.